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This program will focus on developing physical literacy. Young athletes will LEARN how to move properly by applying functional movement patterns within developmentally appropriate exercises to improve coordination, core strength, speed, balance and more! 


Athletes that fall into our Youth Committed to Excellence. While these young athletes still get treated the same as any other athlete at NLSP, we approach their programming with a different philosophy than our older athletes.

“My Son or Daughter is too young for organized training!” 

Young athletes are not mini-adults.


We don’t believe that young athletes should “train like the adults.”  We believe kids should train like kids. This means starting with the fundamentals, keeping the exercises interesting, and educating the athlete about their body, how it moves, and how to train.


Success in athletics, as in many things in life, comes by being consistent for a long period of time. These young athletes are at the beginning of their journey, and we believe it should start by them learning to do the basics.



Email Us to Register TODAY!


PLEASE Contact us with questions (program details, scheduling, etc.), or if you need help with registration!

Still not convinced that young kids can benefit from properly designed, developmentally appropriate activities if designed and led by a qualified professional? Maybe these articles will help you change your mind!

Youth Resistance Training: Updated Position Statement Paper from the National Strength & Conditioning Association (Conclusion on Page 14) 


Would My Youth Athlete Benefit from a Strength & Conditioning Coach? – NSCA 


American Development Model Overview: 


Youth Hockey Training: The Truth about Resistance Training: - Kevin Neeld (Great article for all young athletes!) 

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